
Find Your Light by Bree Herron

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Sun and Moon“Your sun will never set again, and your

moon will wane no more; the Lord will

be your everlasting light, and your days

of sorrow will end. (Isaiah 60:22)


Life is hard sometimes! Our faith is a hard-won, daily commitment, not a value meal we grab on the go like fast food. One can’t tell God “Okay, I need a #1 with an extra side of inner strength this week.” Faith isn’t always full of the light and joy we wish it was. When we struggle with life, sometimes the light of faith dims.

God promises to be our light, to replace the sun, moon and brightness with His light.  He only requests that we trust in Him, delight in Him, and be with Him. Easier said than done, right?

I have been guilty of allowing my light to dim during the state’s education testing. I am constantly frayed around the edges. I seek God in any form I can possibly get Him and wish for that value menu, instant faith.

When the going gets tough, I can get down, like an ostrich burying its head in the sand. Sometimes we all choose to wallow instead of rejoice, turn away instead of towards. Why is that? Maybe wallowing feels easier, but the moment we turn it over to God, the struggle becomes lighter, and we feel healing begin. The light can shine from God if we choose to let His light shine through us.

That’s why when I am seeking God’s light I turn to the Isaiah 60:19-22, to be reminded that God will be my everlasting light.  Shine God’s light unto those around you. Embrace His words, and show those standing in line for value meal faith that only a closer walk with God can make our lives shine.

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